The potential for helping children with osteopathy is enormous.
It is a common belief that babies and children should have no stresses or strains in their bodies, because they are ‘so young’. The reality is very different. Birth is one of the most stressful events of our lives. As the uterus pushes to expel the baby against the natural resistance of the birth canal, the soft skull of the baby is subjected to enormous force.
What is cranial osteopathy ?
Cranial osteopathy is a refined part of osteopathy treatment that encourages the release of stresses and tensions throughout the body.
It is a gentle yet extremely effective approach, the technique uses very skilled, light pressure to evaluate ease of motion and rhythm within sensitive tissues, and through this mechanism can activate the body’s natural corrective healing abilities.
It aims to relieve discomfort and improve the body’s function and treat the whole person not just the condition.
The treatment is non-invasive and uses no drugs and it’s particularly effective in treating babies and young children
What do osteopaths treat?
After birth it is important to have a “check up” with an osteopath, even if your baby doesn’t show any symptoms, some retained tensions can lead to later on symptoms such as glue hear, tiredness, sleeping disturbance, and bent spine ect..
Many babies when born may have an altered shape to their head either from intrauterine strain, forceps or ventouse deliveries. They may suffer a tense neck and shoulders, however these stresses are normally resolved during the first few days after birth as the baby begins to cry, suck and yawn, which helps to dissipate some of the effects of these excessive forces. Some babies don’t cope well with retained stresses, display a variety of problems including:
Difficulty winding
Digestive discomfort,
Sleeping disturbance
An ineffective suck mechanism often with reflux
Irritability, poor sleeping and inability to relax
Plagiocephaly or the flattening of one side of an infant’s head (usually at the back)
For example, tension in the neck or base of skull muscles can give difficulty to the baby to obtain a good latch or a strong suck. These will show up when baby keeps pulling away from the breast, or fall asleep as the feed is too tiring or pinches giving the mother a very sore nipple. All this problem of latch means that baby takes in more air when sucking and can get colic.
It’s even more important for children growing to see an osteopath and to diagnose in time a bent spine or any growing complication that can be monitored by an osteopath.
When see an osteopath with my baby?
The best time to treat babies is within a few weeks of their birth. This is when the unmolding process is naturally at its most active. It’s never too soon to treat a baby
How many treatments will be needed?
Depending on the severity of the problem but for a baby the average number of treatment is two to six.
Do all osteopaths treat babies?
All osteopaths can treat children for spinal related problems. However cranial osteopaths are trained to treat the skull and its complex joints in a gentle but very effective way. This technique is particularly good for babies after birth, especially if the birth has been traumatic. Osteopaths will always ensure that your child is referred to their doctor if necessary.